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Why do people hurt in crashes often fail to notice brain injuries?

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2024 | Car Accidents

Motor vehicle collisions can cause very serious injuries for the people involved in such incidents. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the more painful and debilitating injuries commonly associated with collisions.

There are many different ways that people can potentially hurt their brains in a crash situation. Brain injuries can cause many different symptoms, some of which may prove debilitating. Despite how serious a TBI might be for someone hurt in a crash, they could potentially fail to notice the injury symptoms when they first get hurt.

Why do those involved in motor vehicle collisions sometimes fail to notice a brain injury?

The lack of immediate symptoms

Many times, moderate brain injuries may have delayed symptom onset. It could be many days after the initial trauma before people start noticing worrisome symptoms. People may not present symptoms until their injuries worsen, which is why they might require medical evaluation to catch the injury before it gets worse.

How the body handles stress

The chemical stress reaction in the human body is useful for those with major injuries who are still in a dangerous situation. The body covers up their pain symptoms initially and may give them an extra spurt of energy to help them escape a dangerous situation. Unfortunately, the chemical response to stressful situations may cover up the early warning signs of a brain injury and lead to someone assuming that they do not require medical care after a crash.

The broad assortment of symptoms possible

Another reason people may struggle to recognize a brain injury after getting hurt in a collision is that brain injuries can manifest in many different ways. The symptoms can include issues with motor function and balance, difficulty with memory and even changes in sensory perception. A shift in mood or overall personality might occur, and some people experience persistent headaches. Given that there are so many possible presentations of TBI symptoms, people might dismiss their symptoms initially. Those who take the time to seek medical evaluation after a crash may have a better chance of diagnosing their condition early and improving their long-term prognosis.

Learning about why it is easy to overlook certain injuries after a crash may help people better evaluate themselves and others following a collision.