Legal Guidance For Accidents Involving Animals
Hill Law Office represents victims of dog bites, animal attacks, car accidents involving roaming livestock and others who have been injured by animals. These cases require careful handling to preserve relationships among friends and family, especially when the victim and the animal owner know each other.
Steven L. Hill has helped people from Pendleton, Hermiston and across Umatilla County resolve these animal disputes.
Free consultation: Were you injured by an animal? Please complete an online contact form to schedule a meeting with Steve.
Dog Bites
Were you or your child seriously injured by a dog? The laws in Oregon dealing with dog bite cases are clear: When a dog bites someone, the owner is strictly liable for economic damages if he or she is aware of the dog’s propensity to bite.
Dog bites can have serious consequences, especially when the victim is a young child. Dog bites can result in dangerous infections, scarring and disfigurement. The cost of treating dog bite injuries varies greatly, but can be expensive.
Steven L. Hill represents victims of animal attacks, helping them seek compensation to cover the medical and other expenses associated with their injuries. If you are concerned about pursuing a lawsuit against a dog owner who is a friend or family member, remember that this type of accident is often covered by homeowners or renters insurance.
Auto Collisions With Animals
Many cattle ranches dot the landscape of Eastern Oregon. With the number of ranches in this area, it is no surprise that collisions between cars and livestock are a common occurrence. When a car collides with a cow or other animal, the proper legal approach varies depending on where the accident occurred:
- Livestock districts — In livestock districts, ranchers are required to fence in livestock.
- Open range — In open range areas, ranchers are not required to fence in livestock.
This is an area of the law that is unfamiliar to many lawyers. Hill Law Office knows how the law applies in motorcycle and auto cases involving animals in both livestock districts and open range areas. Individuals and families need help to recover financially after these accidents. To learn how Steve can help you, please do not hesitate to contact him.
Call Today To Discuss Your Case
For more information or to discuss your questions with Steve, please call 541-215-4092 or toll free at 877-369-9033.
Se Habla Español
¿Fue herido en un accidente involucrando un animal (perro, vaca, caballo y/o toro)? Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina. Podemos ayudarle a buscar una compensación.