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4 common questions victims of a car accident have

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2022 | Car Accidents

A car accident can be a sudden and startling event even for the most experienced driver. After an accident, a victim’s adrenaline may skyrocket, and, as such, they may easily forget how to deal with a car accident.

The very first thing you should do is remain calm. Staying calm after an accident can help you when trying to figure out your next steps. Here are several questions that may be running through your head:

#1. Should you call the police?

Even if a car accident resulted in a minor dent, you should call the police. It’s very important that police are present to document the accident for insurance purposes. The other driver may be apprehensive about having the police present, however, that shouldn’t deter you from taking this necessary action.

#2. Should you have a medical evaluation

Again, even in a minor accident, it’s vital you get medical attention. Your insurance company will likely want a report of your injuries, if any. It may seem like you were uninjured after an accident, however, many medical conditions can be hidden by an inexperienced eye, and delaying medical attention may only worsen your condition.

#3. Should you document the accident?

If you’re able, you should gather as much information about the accident as possible. You should first gather any information from the other driver, which may also be collected by the police. You may also consider collecting information about the other driver’s vehicle, any witness information and a police report.

Then, again if possible, you may need to take pictures of the accident – the damaged area, the location of the accident and any visible injuries. Depending on your insurance company, they may request detailed documentation of the event.

#4. Should you file a claim?

Your insurance company will likely take the necessary actions to ensure you’re properly compensated for your injuries and losses, however, there can be difficulties during the process. If you find that you weren’t compensated, perhaps because of the other driver’s actions, then you may need to know your legal options when filing a claim.